Application Form 參賽表格

Please fill in all parts of this Form and attach additional information where necessary.
Submission by email to should be delivered on or before 6 Sep 2024.


Part I - Entry Information 參賽作品摘要

*Note 備註:The below entry information will be featured in the award materials. 以下參賽作品摘要將刊登於活動相關物品。
Company Name 公司名稱
Entry Title 參賽作品名稱
Company Description 公司簡介*
Please state no more than 250 words in Chinese. 請使用中文在250字以內作出簡介
Business Registration Certificate No. 商業登記證號碼 *
Certificate of Incorporation No. 公司註冊證書號碼 *
Date of Incorporation 公司成立日期 *

Company Address 公司地址 *

Part II - Contact Details - 聯絡人資料

Primary Contact Person 第一聯絡人

Name 姓名*
Title 職位*
Phone 電話*
Email 電郵*

Secondary Contact Person 第二聯絡人

Name 姓名*
Title 職位*
Phone 電話*
Email 電郵*

Part III - Award Categories 獎項類別

*Note 備註:
ONE entry is only allowed to enter ONE award stream. 參賽作品只可參加一個獎項類別。
The applicant is advised to submit its application(s) to the most appropriate category. The Organiser reserves the rights to reallocate a submission to the most appropriate category if needed.
Please tick the award category to be considered: 請選擇參賽的獎項類別以供參考:*

Part IV – Judging Materials 評審資料

Please submit relevant supporting documents with respect to the following judging criteria:
請就以下評審準則提交參賽作品的資料 :

  • Reputation聲譽 (20%)
  • Innovation創新 (15%)
  • Quality 素質 (20%)
  • Benefits裨益 (20%)
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (e.g. Environmental Protection and Social Welfare)
    企業社會責任 (例如:環境保育或社會福利) (25%)
  • Submission of Entry 提交參賽資料

    Supporting document should not more than 5 pages in PowerPoint / PDF format. (max. file size:5 MB)*
    請提供不多於五頁簡報 / PDF 資料以作評審參考。(檔案容量不多於5 MB)

    Video Link 影片鏈結

    Declaration 聲明

    1. About The Submission Usage關於資料用途:*
    2. About The Application關於參賽機構:*
    3. Please choose either one:請選擇其中一項:*
    4. Please choose either one:請選擇其中一項:*
    I/We shall inform the Organiser of above status of any dispute(s) in any place over the world over Intellectual Property rights about the submitting entry once there are any updates before the results of the award announcement. 在獎項公佈之前如此參賽項目在世界任何地方有任何知識產權爭議的更新,本人/我們會立即將通知主辦機構。
    5. Event Administration Cost 活動行政費:*

    Terms & Conditions 參賽條款及細則:

    • 1.Applicants should fill in all the required information about their company and entries, and should cover all the judging criteria. 參賽機構能提供充足資料予主辦機構及評審團以作評選之功用。
    • 2.The documents and materials supplied are not returnable and will be destroyed by the Organiser after the event. 參賽機構遞交之所有文件及資料將不獲發還,主辦機構會將這些資料於比賽完畢後銷毀。
    • 3.The Organiser reserves the right to cancel any part of the Awards due to any unforeseeable circumstance. 如因未能預計的原因,主辦機構保留取消是次比賽全部或部份項目的權利。
    • 4.The Organiser reserves the right to accept or reject any entries and have the authority to amend any judging criteria. 主辦機構保留接受或拒絕任何參賽申請的權利。如有需要,主辦機構有權修改評審標準。
    • 5.Each entrant agrees to hold the Organiser harmless of any claims whatever, including but not limited to copyrights or other intellectual property claims that may be made against any of the Organiser by reason of any such presentation or other use of the entries of the entrant or any part thereof. 參賽機構同意保證主辦機構不須為任何形式的索償負責。此保證包括但不局限於因展出使用其全部或部份作品而引起的版權索償。
    • 6.An additional cost (HKD$800) would be charged for amendment on the confirmed submission details each time from the second time onwards. The charge of amendment would be decided by the Organiser by circumstances.由第二次起,每次修改已提交的資料,將收取額外費用(港幣$800元正)。收取費用與否將由主辦機構視情況決定。
    • 7.An Event Administration Cost (HKD$10,000) would be charged from each “Health Partnership Awards 2024” award-winning entry. The Event Administration Cost would include all exposures under the overall event promotion prepared by the Organiser, and the production cost of all relevant event publications and award promotions.於「2024健康同行夥伴大獎」中獲獎的每個參賽項目會被收取活動行政費(港幣$10,000元正)。活動行政費將會包括所有主辦機構的整體活動宣傳、製作活動相關的刊物及獎項之費用。
    • 8.The Organiser shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage incurred by any entrant for any cancellation of any part of the competition. 主辦機構毋須為參賽機構的損失或損毀負上任何責任。
    • 9.In case of any dispute, the decision of the Organiser and the Judging Panel will be final and binding on all parties concerned. 主辦機構及評審團保留一切最終決定權。如有任何爭議,一概以主辦機構及評審團之最終決定為準。
    • 10.All the above has been translated into English. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 如本中文本與英文本若有任何出入之處,一切條款概以中文本為準。

    Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明

    ET Net Limited ("The Organiser") will use the personal data provided by you in the application form for the purposes of processing your company’s application to the " Health Partnership Awards 2024" and its directly related purposes, including on-site inspection, review, award selection, award ceremony and publicity events. Your supply of the Personal Data to the Organiser is on a voluntary basis. However, the Organiser may not be able to processing your company’s application to this award program unless you provide us with the Personal Data required in the application form. The Organiser will keep the relevant personal data in strict confidence, but the Organiser may transfer such personal data to third parties if necessary for the above purposes, e.g. when the Organiser feels there is a need to reveal such information to facilitate the program’s on-site inspection, review, award selection, award ceremony and publicity events. You have the right to request access to, and the correction of, your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). Requests for access and correction should be made by letter and sent to the following address:
    Attn: Event Team
    Address: ET Net Limited, Unit 1505-9 Kodak House II, 321 Java Road, North Point,Hong Kong.

    經濟通(“主辦機構” )使用參賽者/ 團體 / 機構的個人資料主要用於處理「2024健康同行夥伴大獎」,以及任何直接有關的用途上。主辦機構也可能使用所提供的個人資料與參賽者/ 團體 / 機構進行活動期間的有關聯絡。主辦機構亦可能將入選決賽的參賽者/ 團體 / 機構的姓名、照片、比賽,以及活動過程刊登在網頁、報章、社交網站、Facebook專頁及其他媒體作為宣傳之用。參賽者/ 團體 / 機構可基於自願性質向主辦機構提供個人資料,但所提供的個人資料能夠使主辦機構為參賽者/ 團體 / 機構參加「2024健康同行夥伴大獎」的登記申請。如參賽者/ 團體 / 機構未能向主辦機構提供所需的個人資料,主辦機構可能無法處理參賽者的申請。


    為滿足上述用途之需要,主辦機構可能會將參賽者 / 團體 / 機構的個人資料轉移給集團內僱員、關連公司(包括附屬和聯營公司)、由主辦機構就上述用途需要而聘用的印刷服務和獎座供應商、傳媒,以及參賽者 / 團體 / 機構。除此以外,主辦機構不會將參賽者 / 團體 / 機構的個人資料轉移給第三者。

    如有需要,主辦機構或會將參賽者 / 團體 / 機構的姓名、照片、比賽,以及活動過程刊登在網頁、報章、Facebook專頁及其他媒體作為宣傳之用。如法例規定,主辦機構會披露有關資料,也會應執法機關的要求披露上述資料。

    根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章),參賽者/ 團體 / 機構有權向主辦機構查詢是否持有其個人資料,並有權取得該等資料的副本及更改任何不準確的資料。索取或更改資料,請以書面方式致函下列地址 :
    致: 活動部
    地址: 經濟通有限公司 香港北角渣華道321大廈2座1505至1509室。

    Verify Code
    Please refresh and use new verification code to re-submit the form if you have submitted application failed before.

    Please note that applicant will receive an auto-reply email after submitting the application successfully.
    If you don't receive any reply email 3 days after your submission, please contact (+852) 2880 2978 or email
    如閣下在3天内未能收到,請致電 (+852) 2880 2978或電郵聯絡